Monday, July 5, 2010

Twilight Obsession Must End!

I don’t know about anyone else but I’m growing quite tired of these vampires consuming our adolescence’s views. This may be based upon opinion but if you think about it, its becoming not only a long established argument obtaining to which of Bella’s lover shall be on top (Team Edward vs. Team Jacob). So through careful comparison may one choose the werewolf or vampire. Of course some may argue that “Edward has had a 100 years to learn how to love” or “You can pet Jacob” And both of those quotes can be found in the newest Burgerking commercial, which brings me to another example of this war: McDonalds and Burgerking, two of the largest fast food producers became embedded in this Twilight Saga madness too. They are both disclosing vampire and werewolf favoring toys for children. You’d think that it was worse enough for teenagers to be attracted to this scandal, but they are trying to allure children into it too!
So why are our generations becoming so fascinated with it? To me the characters are interesting but bland through all this drama. A young women who is quite fickle in love, a were wolf hottie who is bi-polar, and a pretty and sparkly  stalker vampire that is afraid to do anything in his relationship because of fear he’ll eat her. I mean come on, when were the good old days where children fought over whose Pokemon cards were better or whose Barbie was prettier? What has our society become?
~Photo credit to*qrWU9MIEYd/JacobBellaEdward.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! I hate Twilight for a few reasons, and this blog just hit em' dead on.
